
Participants develop, build, and package a board game that focuses on a subject of their choice. Creative packaging, and the instructions, pieces, and cards associated with the pilot game will be evaluated. Semifinalists set up the game, demonstrate how the game is played, explain the game’s features, and discuss the design process.

In response to the annual theme, participants create an illustrated children’s story of artistic, instructional, and social value, and submit documentation related to the development of the physical storybook. Semifinalists read their stories aloud and participate in an interview.

Participants take a test, which concentrates on aspects of coding, to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists develop a software program – in a designated amount of time – that accurately addresses an onsite problem.

Participants use complex computer graphic skills, tools, and processes to respond to a design challenge in which they develop representations of architectural subjects, such as foundation and/or floor plans, and/or elevation drawings, and/or details of architectural ornamentation or cabinetry. The solution to the design challenge and participant answers in an interview are evaluated.

Participants use complex computer graphic skills, tools, and processes to respond to a design challenge in which they develop three-dimensional representations of engineering subjects, such as a machine part, tool, device, or manufactured product. The solution to the design challenge and participant answers in an interview are evaluated.

Participants identify a societal issue, collect or compile data from various sources about the issue, and then produce documentation and a digital scientific poster about their findings. Semifinalists create a synopsis and digital visual representation of a data set provided in an onsite challenge.

Participants develop and submit a digital video and a documentation portfolio (including such items as a storyboard, script, summary of references and sources, and equipment list) that reflects the annual theme. Semifinalists participate in an interview.

Participants select a technology-related or TSA topic from among three topic cards and prepare and give a three-to-five-minute speech that communicates their knowledge of the chosen topic. The quality of the speech determines advancement to the semifinalist level of competition, for which an identical competition procedure is followed to determine finalists.

To address the annual theme, participants demonstrate expertise in fashion design principles by creating a wearable garment, garment patterns, and a documentation portfolio. Semifinalist teams present their garment designs (worn by team models), discuss the design process with evaluators, and respond to interview questions.

Participants research a developing technology, prepare a video showing an application of the technology in the classroom, and create a lesson plan/activity that features the application and connects to the Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL), as well as STEM initiatives and integration. Semifinalists demonstrate the lesson plan and answer questions about their presentation.

Participants design, fabricate, and use Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) to create a product that addresses the annual theme. A documentation portfolio and the completed product prototype are submitted for evaluation. Semifinalists give a product “sales pitch” and demonstration.

Participants deliver a three-to-five-minute oral presentation related to the current national TSA conference theme. Both semifinalists and finalists are determined based on the quality of the presentation and the appropriate use and content of the accompanying required slide deck.

Participants use computerized graphic communications layout and design skills to produce a promotional resource packet. The resource must address the annual theme/problem and include at least four printed publication items and required documentation. Semifinalists demonstrate publishing competency in an onsite technical design challenge.

Participants design, build, document, and test a robot assembled using open-sourced parts according to stated specifications and to meet the challenge of the yearly theme/problem.

Participants use their knowledge of cutting-edge technologies, algorithm design, problem-solving principles, effective communication, and collaboration to design, implement, test, document, and present a software development project of educational or social value. Both semifinalists and finalists are determined based on the quality of the presentation and project.

In response to an annual theme, participants use written and verbal communication skills to convey a news story in both a video broadcast (preliminary round) and a digital written format (semifinal round). Participants must demonstrate a strong understanding of journalism etiquette and the common practices of the field of mass media.

Participants demonstrate their knowledge of TSA and concepts addressed in technology content standards by completing an objective test. Semifinalist teams participate in a question/response, head-to-head, team competition.

Participants use problem-solving skills to design and construct a finite solution to a challenge provided onsite at the conference. Solutions are evaluated at the end of 90 minutes using measures appropriate to the challenge, such as elapsed time, horizontal or vertical distance, and/or strength.

Participants design, build, and launch an E-rated online video game – with accompanying required documentation - that addresses the annual theme. Semifinalists participate in an interview to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise they gained during the development of the game.

Participants design, build, and launch a website that addresses the annual challenge. Semifinalists participate in an interview to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise gained during the development of the website.